Articles, teachings and quotes about meditation and the mind as taught by Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi (Babaji).
The Gap between the thoughts
Meditation Master Babaji talks about how inbetween all the thoughts that crop up in the mind, there is a gap, a space. That is the true nature of the mind…
Practise peace and establish peace
When we look at this world, why is it that wars and conflicts are always going on? Why is there not peace in the world where human beings live in…
First cleanse the mind and gain control
We may think that we can just go on thinking positive thoughts all the time, but it doesn’t happen like that. Due to the mind acquiring habits since time immemorial,…
Courage to change and serenity to accept.
Question: When you’re in a situation where you’re challenged more, what would you advise we do? It’s very hard then just to sit in meditation and watch, because there’s so…
Think when you want to think. Be quiet when you want to be quiet.
‘This mind itself is made up of Consciousness, meaning where you apply it you become aware. Through practice of meditation, eventually one day, when you are able to achieve the…
The three mantras for success
Babaji, how can we calm the mind when we live such busy, hectic lives? Babaji: Be determined. Dedication, discipline, patience are three important mantras to achieve things. If you are…
From cravings to peace
‘The constant cravings of the mind are the basic reason for unhappiness’. A couple of thousand years after Buddha said these words, still mankind is afflicted with these cravings of…
Break through the web of imaginations
‘Just like a spider spins a web and gets involved in its own web, it is the mind, called consciousness, which imagines and gets involved into its own resolutions of…