Articles, teachings and quotes about meditation and the mind as taught by Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi (Babaji).
Let’s be grateful that the thorns have roses
The way we see the world can differ from person to person. One may be negative, picking up only on the bad points and brooding about them, or another may…
The mind settles down and becomes quiet
Why is it necessary to become quiet in the mind? Well, if we carefully observe the mind, it is when the mind is quiet that it experiences peace. If it…
Is it possible for the mind to get cleared of all thoughts? – video
When we take the time to observe our mind, we can see how it gets involved into one thought after another – it is sucked into a whirlpool of thoughts….
We are holding on to our thoughts
Why is the mind often into cravings and worries and is unable to simply be quiet and at peace? Why does it stay in feelings of unhappiness? Babaji gives the…
How to not be fooled by the brain
The brain is a beautiful organ to live in this world if we are in control of it. However, sometimes what the brain reflects might not be the truth. For…
No need to keep checking for progress
As we meditate, we should not be worrying about checking whether we are making progress or not as this in fact will hamper our progress. Babaji says, ‘When you worry…
To have peace you have to practice peace ~ A talk by Shiva Rudra Balayogi
The world always seems to be into conflicts caused by selfish and immature thinking of human beings. As Babaji clarifies in this beautiful public discourse given in Perth Australia in…
Training our mental stamina
When we start out in meditation, we need to have a positive attitude to keep going and not be worried that there might be many thoughts or not. This will…