Human life is a rare gem

‘Human life is a rare gem. A short lifespan is available, that is an opportunity. Within that time, you should be able to exercise your wisdom, to find the highest, the maximum beneficial thing, that is what it is. Like if you want the happiness, you should have the wisdom to think that happiness must be there at all times. That is the real happiness. Not that I can give you happiness for one hour, can you give me five hundred dollars? That is not the criteria. If anyone can give hundred percent, twelve months, twenty four hours.’


Your future is always shaped when you are better focused in your present efforts

‘We can simply plan. A future is meant so that you can plan always about your future- I need to do this, I want to achieve this target, I want to have this type of life, I want to set a standard of life, I have my dreams. It is no problem. But along with that the mind jumps into an anxiousness. It need not be anxious. Because it always jumps because there are expectations. With an expectation it is unable to take any result that might come- it wants to have only such results which is expects. So then it becomes anxious- what if it happens, what if it doesn’t happen. What makes these things, then you lose focus in the present. Because your future is always shaped when you are better focused in your present efforts. Only then you are able to shape your future in a much better way. And it would also start brooding about the past also. To stop this only we practise meditation basically.’


One man’s food is another man’s poison

There is the well-known phrase, ‘One man’s food is another man’s poison’.

What one person thinks is good, another may think is bad.

The problem arises when we think, for example, that something is good, and then we start thinking that is the fundamental reality, that everyone else should also think this is good.

If anyone disagrees with us we would think they are wrong and bad. We can lose out peace and go into a conflict with them about it.
However, what we should consider is that we have simply defined it as good and bad based on the habits of our mind, our own imagination.

If we can accept that other people think differently based on their own habits in the mind, then we won’t let our mind become too judgemental and lose control of itself. We can keep ourselves intact and remain at peace. In meditation, we do not make any judgement of what appears. Then the mind can recede and become quiet.

Can drugs or alcohol have a similar effect as meditation?


In today’s world many are taking drugs and alcohol to obtain a certain level of peace. Can drugs or alcohol have a similar effect as meditation Babaji?


Not at all. It cannot have. Whereas meditation is a natural process to control the mind, taking alcohol and drugs are unnatural methods which suppress the brain’s activated waves. What happens, brain is the biological organ in the physical body, mind is your conscious energy, ‘you’ means you as the Immortal Soul. Now the brain is in touch with the universe through the nervous system and sensory organs. It receives all the messages, it de-codifies and reflects and passes on the message that you want it to do it. Your mind gets applied on the brain and it also catches all the reflections of the brain.

You would have noticed that you would get the best of happiness when your mind is unconscious of this world, just like in deep sleep. When alcohol or any drug is taken it suppresses this brain’s activated waves so the mind has nothing to catch. Temporarily it gets kicked off the brain. As long as that drug’s or alcohol’s effect is on the brain the mind thinks that it is enjoying happiness and a higher peace. That is simply because the brain’s waves are suppressed.

So unfortunately here, these drugs and alcohol deteriorates the basic health of the brain, the nervous system, and gradually one by one different organs of the body. Thus it is very harmful and it is never a permanent solution, because as long as the effect of the drug or alcohol is on the brain, it suppresses. Once the effect is over the mind again jumps back. Thus you can never achieve a permanent happiness and peace; you are losing your physical health also.


Meditation will settle the mind and then you will clear confusions and become fearless

‘If you learn to pay attention to yourself, then you can carry out other functions. You might be in the midst of war, in the midst of business or in a difficult spot, but none of these should give pain. The mind will be settled and can work out what is needed. Meditation will settle the mind and then you will clear confusions and become fearless. Then not for a second will you be unhappy; you will be the master of your mind. Then when you want to act, you can act and work in this world. When things happen, there is no stress. The mind is not troubled. Then there is no stress attached to the results; you simply put in efforts and see what will happen. Like a valiant soldier – he knows the result is not in his hands. He will simply do what he can and put in efforts.

So thus we teach this philosophy – learn to restrain the mind, and know the limits of this world. Put in efforts to achieve an end, but you will have to accept the results.’


When the mind totally becomes still, it doesn’t get destroyed

‘The primary thing is always we want happiness for ourselves. We want peace for ourselves. So then know your Self. What you are. How you exist as the immortal soul. That’s what a Yogi experiences in deeper Samadhi because when the mind totally becomes still, meaning in silence, total silence, then the mind doesn’t get destroyed, it is there. Simply its real form, its real existence you become aware of.’

It is very important to overcome all emotions


In meditation I find that if I resist emotions, it creates more resistance. How to deal with emotions?


Often If you see, if the emotions are troubling you in such a way, that could be mostly of a past experience. At that time you can try to think, past is over – it is not going to come back under any circumstances. No such technology that 1974 will come back – the earth is spinning forward. So you think, past is meant so that if you had done a mistake or some mistake happened, you don’t repeat that. You have a beautiful future for you. You have to visualize a positive future, think like this in a mature way and thus you can overcome the emotions. Because if you allow your mind to get involved into emotions, your mind will become a casualty first. Before you try to take a revenge or try to think badly of someone, anything can happen- it is just a visualization.

So this is what is advised and you practise watching those emotions also, then after some time you will be able to overcome. It is very important to overcome all emotions, because emotions can be your weakness, it can become your strength. If you convert the same emotions into a love, all humanity, all creatures – ‘May all the beings in all the worlds be happy’.

Wash away all the impurities of the mind

Wash away all the impurities of the mind.

Meditation is a purification process.
We accumulate so much unnecessary thoughts and imaginations during the day which affects us mentally, giving us stress, tension and fear.

All of this can be cleared out daily with a mental wash of meditation.
When the mind becomes focused, single-pointed, it can let go of all its held-on imaginations and become quiet and at peace.