The greatest thing you can obtain is Peace (short video)

“Everyone in this world is looking only for this happiness and peace. At the age of 20 you are seeking it, at the age of 30 you are seeking it, at the age of 60 you are seeking it, at the age of 80 you are seeking it. So if you can achieve that, is that not the greatest thing you can attain? If you meditate you can achieve this Peace.”
~ Shiva Rudra Balayogi (Babaji)

To achieve this Peace, Babaji says the right technique needs to be adopted in meditation. The mind constantly fluctuates – it is into positivity, negativity, happiness and unhappiness. So, to stop that, it is recommended to go beyond all such imaginations. The highest technique that is given since ancient times is just to watch. When you just watch and stop thinking, all thoughts and visions dissolve. That elusive peace that we have been looking for comes when the mind recedes and becomes quiet.

Watch Babaji talk about this in the short video below. (click image)

A New Year, a new start

When you get into an atmosphere or such a place where there is total quietness, serenity, that serene surrounding also induces your mind to become quiet at that moment. Even for a moment, then you practically understand “This is the real peace”, because there you don’t need anything. Just simply your mind has become quiet, that is all. That’s when you have that peace.

So, this is very important to understand and then achieve – stopping of the mind. Many people might misunderstand, “If the mind stops, what then? Will we lose the mind?” People say, “We need the mind to live in this world.” Hundreds of times I have answered this question; you will not lose your mind or yourself, or your ability to think or imagine. Simply, you are able to control yourself, just like you control a vehicle, you are able to bring it to a halt. Just by bringing your vehicle to a halt, you are not going to lose your vehicle. It is available – anytime you want to start the engine and press the accelerator, want to drive around you are able to do it. It is there for you all the time. In the same way, your ability to be creative, to imagine, to think will not be lost. Simply, you are taking control.

After that, you will see that you can apply the brain whenever there is a need. To apply the brain, you have to apply it through your mind or yourself by thinking. When you are concentrated, best concentrated, or in other words, when your mind is totally focused and best concentrated, you can apply your brain to the best of your ability and utilize the brain’s services to the best of its ability also. You can utilize it, this will be possible, thus you are not losing anything. Simply, when you don’t need to be thinking and when you don’t need to be worrying unnecessarily, then you can keep quiet and enjoy that peace. This is possible.

~Shiva Rudra Balayogi

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The garbage of the mind gets thrown out

When you close the eyes, the mind starts getting cleansed, but it gets applied onto the brain unknown to you. It is a technological, automatic activity that happens. When this happens, the brain decodifies everything and shows the thought processes and visual effects. These are called the drishya and thoughts. When these thoughts are watched by you, because you are forced to watch these thoughts and visions, you cannot help it, just like you are forced to watch a movie. Your mind has a tendency to analyze immediately, “This is good, this is bad.  Why is this happening, why not something else?”

You have to think that it is like the garbage is being thrown out of the mind’s consciousness. All that is required is you have the patience, just observe them, watch them because unfortunately you are forced to watch, you have to watch, there is no other way when it is going out of the mind. Then the mind recedes and becomes more purified and your meditation becomes more successful, and concentration of the mind happens. Then other amazing experiences can occur about the tricks of the mind, about your own Self, peace and happiness.  How you can keep yourself composed, restrained in this world when you are living, when you are working. How you won’t allow your mind to go into cravings and trouble you, giving you all fear, tension, unhappiness. At all times you can have the beautiful happiness for you and live a very normal life.

~Shiva Rudra Balayogi

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Don’t recognize the forest of thoughts

As Meditation Master Babaji says, “When your mind is wandering, it’s like it’s wandering in an unknown forest aimlessly and doesn’t know the path, where to go, what to do. All that is necessary is just become quiet. Don’t recognize the forest, then the forest disappears.”

This imagination quality that we all have is so strong. We get carried away with a thought, which generates all emotions of happiness, unhappiness, fear, panic, anything. It is like getting lost in a thick, dreaded forest. We get so lost that we even forget we had a home to go back to. The advice is therefore to practice meditation on a daily basis so that all such thoughts and imaginations can be purified from the mind. We learn to just watch, and not get involved in the thought. Thus the thoughts can disappear; such a relief comes when the mind’s suffering is alleviated. That elusive peace can descend.

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Just watch the thoughts (short video)

Why is it that the mind is not at peace? Often, we get cheated by our own imaginations, presuming them all to be the truth. That’s why there is the phrase, “One man’s food is another man’s poison”, describing how we all see the same thing in different ways.

The problem is, when an imagination arises in the mind, we forget that it is there because we have imagined it. As Babaji says, “Instead, we get involved with that thought, considering it to be a fundamental reality, whereas the thought is not a reality”.

That is why in meditation we are told to ‘just watch’ and not get involved into any thought or imagination that crops up. The mind can then become more and more single-pointed and quiet. The more we practise this watching process in meditation the more the mind comes under our control. We would be able to restrain ourselves from jumping into our imaginations and presuming them to be real. We can remain composed, under control and at peace.

Watch Babaji talk about how we get involved into our thoughts in the short video below.
(click image)

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“Peace is in you only, it is nowhere else.”

Meditation Master Babaji says,
“Always you be the master of your mind. Your mind is your conscious energy – and that is you.

Do not be a victim of the brain all the time. You should be using the brain. Don’t give rise to any negative thoughts, or any such depressions. You have nothing to miss. You are yourself, and you are that greatest wonder for which you are searching for. That peace, that Supreme Peace, that happiness – and that is in you only – it is nowhere else.

So that’s why first you need to quieten your mind, that is essential. Because when the mind is preoccupied with its own imaginations, it is unable to be aware of that peace, that happiness, that Self of yours – really who you are. It is as simple as that.”

It is possible to quieten this mind through the regular practice of this ancient technique of meditation.

Learn how on our online meditation course.

Only the mind can control the mind

Meditation Master Shiva Rudra Balayogi (Babaji) explains in the clip below how it is only the mind that can control the mind.

In other words, it is not through an imagination that we can control the mind. The mind itself has to learn to control itself.

How can this control come? By not getting involved in the thoughts the mind generates. In meditation, whenever a thought crops up, we practice to just watch that thought and not get involved in it.

If we get involved in it, then another thought crops up, and another, and we get sucked in a whirlpool of thoughts; we lose control.

So we can break this cycle of thoughts by just watching and not thinking about that thought.

Then, the mind becomes purified of its thoughts, and becomes more and more quiet. Then it comes under our control again. Regular practice is necessary to learn how to do this. The more we practice with the proper technique, the more the mind is able to let go of its thoughts and settle down peacefully. Then eventually, as Babaji says, we can realise the truth of our own existence.

One minute video ‘Only the mind can control the mind’
(Click on image to play)

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When the mind is cleansed, the truth of its own existence is revealed

Once the mind is cleansed of its chattering habits, then the truth of its own existence is revealed

Meditation Master Babaji talks about how the truth of existence can be revealed to us.

“Any human being, even atheist or theist, whoever it is, if they practice meditation they will definitely be benefited. Benefited in the sense, first, they can becomes masters of their minds, they can cleanse their minds – cleansing, or taking control, everything is the same. Once the mind is cleansed of its chattering habits, then the truth of its own existence is revealed.

Once you are able to take out the mind from its preoccupation to its own imaginations, then the truth about that mind or its connections to the ultimate truth is revealed. So, for any human being: it won’t ask, “Who are you, to which place you belong to, which culture?” – the truth is always like that. So thus, anybody who practices will definitely be benefited. When you put your hands in the fire, it will not ask “Should I burn you if you belong to this caste, should I not burn you if you belong to this religion, caste?” It will simply burn. Knowledge and wisdom are like that. It will come to anybody. It will not ask to where or who you belong to. That’s the beauty of the ultimate truth, the nature, the divinity. That’s why, one God, many names, one Truth, many names.”

There is one thing in the mind that is not a thought, it is the consciousness of existence

Babaji goes on to say,

“You have millions of thoughts in your mind. But one amongst them is not a thought – it is your consciousness of existence. It is not a thought, it is a reality. You remove all other thoughts and visions; it is possible – when you just watch, they will all dissolve and disappear. But this consciousness of existence will always be there, you cannot remove. Because it is a reality; it is not a thought, it is not an imagined substance. And that is you, yourself. That is what will take you towards Self-Realisation.”

~ Shiva Rudra Balayogi

Learn how to cleanse the mind of its chatter on our meditation course

Just jump into it.

When we sit to meditate, we just need to jump into the practice. That is, we get into the action of ‘just watching’.

As Babaji says,

“Always an action has to happen into what you are supposed to do. Just like you stand on the banks of a river, ‘I have to jump, I have to jump, let me jump, how do I jump?’ You just jump! Stop these three things, ‘I have to jump, and how do I jump, and when do I jump?’ Stop these three things and just jump. 

So like that here, the technology is, you don’t have to keep asking yourself, ‘I should not recognize, I should not analyze’. Don’t think like that – just watch. If you are watching then you are not analyzing, then you are not thinking. 

So use the eyeballs to steadily watch the front portion [with eyes closed]. When you are watching, when the thoughts come, don’t think anything about that thought.”

Eventually as we go on practising in this way everyday, the mind can become purified and quiet.

Learn/remind yourself of the Jangama Meditation Technique here.

Learn how to purify and keep the mind quiet on our meditation course

Always living happily in the world (short video)

Mental health is so important. Just like we take care of the physical health of the body, we need to take care of the mind also with proper exercises.

As Babaji says,
“It is through the mind that we can either be happy or unhappy, mature or immature, intelligent or an idiot”. So practicing to control this mind is vital. Then we can become mature in our behaviour, think of a larger cause, how others are affected by our actions rather than thinking selfishly, and also know the secrets of one’s own mind. Then we can always live happily.

Indeed, happiness is our ‘existence right’, as Babaji says. If we are losing happiness, then somewhere we are not doing something right. That needs to be rectified. Through a regular practice of meditation as we properly apply the technique to ‘just watch’,  all such wrong habits can be cleared up – we can become healthy and happy in mind.

Watch Babaji explain in this short video below:
(Click on image)

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