When the mind is cleansed, the truth of its own existence is revealed

Once the mind is cleansed of its chattering habits, then the truth of its own existence is revealed

Meditation Master Babaji talks about how the truth of existence can be revealed to us.

“Any human being, even atheist or theist, whoever it is, if they practice meditation they will definitely be benefited. Benefited in the sense, first, they can becomes masters of their minds, they can cleanse their minds – cleansing, or taking control, everything is the same. Once the mind is cleansed of its chattering habits, then the truth of its own existence is revealed.

Once you are able to take out the mind from its preoccupation to its own imaginations, then the truth about that mind or its connections to the ultimate truth is revealed. So, for any human being: it won’t ask, “Who are you, to which place you belong to, which culture?” – the truth is always like that. So thus, anybody who practices will definitely be benefited. When you put your hands in the fire, it will not ask “Should I burn you if you belong to this caste, should I not burn you if you belong to this religion, caste?” It will simply burn. Knowledge and wisdom are like that. It will come to anybody. It will not ask to where or who you belong to. That’s the beauty of the ultimate truth, the nature, the divinity. That’s why, one God, many names, one Truth, many names.”

There is one thing in the mind that is not a thought, it is the consciousness of existence

Babaji goes on to say,

“You have millions of thoughts in your mind. But one amongst them is not a thought – it is your consciousness of existence. It is not a thought, it is a reality. You remove all other thoughts and visions; it is possible – when you just watch, they will all dissolve and disappear. But this consciousness of existence will always be there, you cannot remove. Because it is a reality; it is not a thought, it is not an imagined substance. And that is you, yourself. That is what will take you towards Self-Realisation.”

~ Shiva Rudra Balayogi

Learn how to cleanse the mind of its chatter on our meditation course

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