When you get into an atmosphere or such a place where there is total quietness, serenity, that serene surrounding also induces your mind to become quiet at that moment. Even for a moment, then you practically understand “This is the real peace”, because there you don’t need anything. Just simply your mind has become quiet, that is all. That’s when you have that peace.
So, this is very important to understand and then achieve – stopping of the mind. Many people might misunderstand, “If the mind stops, what then? Will we lose the mind?” People say, “We need the mind to live in this world.” Hundreds of times I have answered this question; you will not lose your mind or yourself, or your ability to think or imagine. Simply, you are able to control yourself, just like you control a vehicle, you are able to bring it to a halt. Just by bringing your vehicle to a halt, you are not going to lose your vehicle. It is available – anytime you want to start the engine and press the accelerator, want to drive around you are able to do it. It is there for you all the time. In the same way, your ability to be creative, to imagine, to think will not be lost. Simply, you are taking control.
After that, you will see that you can apply the brain whenever there is a need. To apply the brain, you have to apply it through your mind or yourself by thinking. When you are concentrated, best concentrated, or in other words, when your mind is totally focused and best concentrated, you can apply your brain to the best of your ability and utilize the brain’s services to the best of its ability also. You can utilize it, this will be possible, thus you are not losing anything. Simply, when you don’t need to be thinking and when you don’t need to be worrying unnecessarily, then you can keep quiet and enjoy that peace. This is possible.
~Shiva Rudra Balayogi
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