When you close the eyes, the mind starts getting cleansed, but it gets applied onto the brain unknown to you. It is a technological, automatic activity that happens. When this happens, the brain decodifies everything and shows the thought processes and visual effects. These are called the drishya and thoughts. When these thoughts are watched by you, because you are forced to watch these thoughts and visions, you cannot help it, just like you are forced to watch a movie. Your mind has a tendency to analyze immediately, “This is good, this is bad. Why is this happening, why not something else?”
You have to think that it is like the garbage is being thrown out of the mind’s consciousness. All that is required is you have the patience, just observe them, watch them because unfortunately you are forced to watch, you have to watch, there is no other way when it is going out of the mind. Then the mind recedes and becomes more purified and your meditation becomes more successful, and concentration of the mind happens. Then other amazing experiences can occur about the tricks of the mind, about your own Self, peace and happiness. How you can keep yourself composed, restrained in this world when you are living, when you are working. How you won’t allow your mind to go into cravings and trouble you, giving you all fear, tension, unhappiness. At all times you can have the beautiful happiness for you and live a very normal life.
~Shiva Rudra Balayogi
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