“Peace is in you only, it is nowhere else.”

Meditation Master Babaji says,
“Always you be the master of your mind. Your mind is your conscious energy – and that is you.

Do not be a victim of the brain all the time. You should be using the brain. Don’t give rise to any negative thoughts, or any such depressions. You have nothing to miss. You are yourself, and you are that greatest wonder for which you are searching for. That peace, that Supreme Peace, that happiness – and that is in you only – it is nowhere else.

So that’s why first you need to quieten your mind, that is essential. Because when the mind is preoccupied with its own imaginations, it is unable to be aware of that peace, that happiness, that Self of yours – really who you are. It is as simple as that.”

It is possible to quieten this mind through the regular practice of this ancient technique of meditation.

Learn how on our online meditation course.

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