Meditation Master Shiva Rudra Balayogi (Babaji) explains in the clip below how it is only the mind that can control the mind.
In other words, it is not through an imagination that we can control the mind. The mind itself has to learn to control itself.
How can this control come? By not getting involved in the thoughts the mind generates. In meditation, whenever a thought crops up, we practice to just watch that thought and not get involved in it.
If we get involved in it, then another thought crops up, and another, and we get sucked in a whirlpool of thoughts; we lose control.
So we can break this cycle of thoughts by just watching and not thinking about that thought.
Then, the mind becomes purified of its thoughts, and becomes more and more quiet. Then it comes under our control again. Regular practice is necessary to learn how to do this. The more we practice with the proper technique, the more the mind is able to let go of its thoughts and settle down peacefully. Then eventually, as Babaji says, we can realise the truth of our own existence.
One minute video ‘Only the mind can control the mind’
(Click on image to play)

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