Getting into worries can become a habit in the mind which torments us and makes us lose our peace.
To remedy this, Meditation Master Babaji says,
Either one should be able to keep the mind quiet, or keep it positively engaged.
Otherwise the mind is liable to become a devil’s workshop; we can conjur up all sorts of worries which have no impact on the issue at hand and simply make us suffer unnecessarily.
Usually when the worries come, it confuses a person and your focus on the work you are trying to do gets affected.
With the regular practice of meditation, we can learn to cool this mind down and prevent it from going into worries easily. We can remain positive in a difficult situation and learn how to keep quiet without getting lost in our imaginations.
In so doing, we can navigate through life much better – we can focus properly on our work at hand without worrying about the outcome all the time, let go of things that happened in the past, and maintain that enjoyable peace within our mind.
Start the new year in the most positive way by learning to achieve peace and focus in the mind through meditation. See how to book on our course.
Watch Babaji talk about overcoming worries below.
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